1. Dog sitting
  2. Assendelft

Dog Sitting, Assendelft

Drop-in visits at your home for your dog

Price (EUR)
How many pets?
Small Dog0-8 kg
Medium Dog8-18 kg
Large Dog18-45 kg
Giant Dog+45 kg
Small animalBird, rabbit, ferret, ...
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All bookings are covered by the Pawshake Guarantee.

1. Ans & Jan Martin

8.7 km
4 reviews
recurring guest

Dieren zijn alles voor mij...🐈🐕

Last active 5 days ago
Lives with 2 dogs

1. Ans & Jan Martin

Dieren zijn alles voor mij...🐈🐕8.7 km
(4 reviews)
1 recurring guest
Last active 5 days ago
Lives with 2 dogs
"Ans heeft heel goed voor mijn katten gezorgd. Ze is echt gek op dieren. Nogmaals bedankt Ans! "
MReview by Marloes

2. Natasha

5.2 km - Zaandam
37 reviews
recurring guests

Liefdevolle kattenoppas / Loving cat sitter ❤️

Last booked today
Last contacted 4 days ago

2. Natasha

Liefdevolle kattenoppas / Loving cat sitter ❤️5.2 km - Zaandam
(37 reviews)
14 recurring guests
Last booked today
Last contacted 4 days ago
"Dankzij Natasha hebben we heerlijk kunnen genieten van onze vakantie doordat onze katten fantastisch door haar verzorgd werden. Natasha heb ik ervaren als een warme, sociale vrouw met een liefde voor katten. Natasha sloot goed aan op wat de katten nodig hadden. Hierbij gaf ze de ruimte aan onze schuchtere kat om los te komen. Ook vroeg ze door op wat de katten fijn vonden en wat er dagelijks nodig was. Wij missen de katten altijd op vakantie, waardoor wij het prettig vonden dat ze elke dag foto’s stuurde van de katten. Ze onderhield contact met leuke updates en stemde ze goed met ons af. Hiermee sloot ze ook uitstekend aan op onze behoeftes. Al met al kijken we met een heel goed gevoel terug op het oppassen door Natasha. De volgende keer dat we op vakantie gaan, zullen we haar zeker weer benaderen. "
EReview by Esmee

3. Pedro

11.9 km - Amsterdam
New sitter

The human’s best friend’s best friend

Last contacted today
Last active 5 days ago

3. Pedro

New sitter
The human’s best friend’s best friend 11.9 km - Amsterdam
Last contacted today
Last active 5 days ago

4. Yevheniia

6.3 km
60 reviews
recurring guests

Nice walk for your dog

Last booked 6 days ago
Last contacted 6 days ago

4. Yevheniia

Nice walk for your dog6.3 km
(60 reviews)
20 recurring guests
Last booked 6 days ago
Last contacted 6 days ago
"Yevheniia is totally awesome. After first meeting we finally felt and will feel free to travel without anxiety about our family member Jennie cat. Now after the vacation, we feel even more free for future travelling. The most genuine person you can meet and her profile information is fully accurate. Yevheniia became best friends with Jennie on the very first day and then pampered her to suit Jennie’s schedule. We received ALOT of footage of Jennie talking, eating, playing, hunting, cuddling and purring on Yevheniia’s lap. Great communication and asking questions/clarifying to ensure Jennie’s routine is preserved. If you read our profile about Jennie you will see she has had a hard life and no socialisation for the first 8 years of life. So the fact that she is even friends within a day with a new person is remarkable. When we returned, Jennie is very healthy and very affectionate. Especially when we are at work, she misses the level of pampering Yevheniia gave. Yevheniia is also very intelligent, organised, and detail oriented, not only as it regards Jennie but also Jennie’s home. For example being careful to conceal the keys with a newspaper after pushing them through the letterbox on the last day, so they cannot easily be seen. We want Yevheniia to stay a bit secret 🤫 so we can book her always for Jennie cat. However, leaving this review is the right thing to do - her popularity is inevitable anyway. Next time we will book vacation around Yevheniia’s availability. Superstar! Please come next time 😻🙏🏻😸😸"
TReview by Thomas

5. Ilona

6.3 km
12 reviews
recurring guest

Purr-sonalized Care, Happy Cats Everywhere!

Last active 14 days ago
Usually responds within one hour

5. Ilona

Purr-sonalized Care, Happy Cats Everywhere!6.3 km
(12 reviews)
1 recurring guest
Last active 14 days ago
Usually responds within one hour
"Nothing to say. Everything was perfect, Ilona took great care of Safran, she even had amazing results with him compare to previous pet sitters. She will be our main pet sitter now, Safran will be glad ;)"
KReview by Kevin

6. Kirsty

5.9 km
1 review

Caring South African Pet Sitter 🐾 Experienced & Loving

Last contacted 8 days ago
Last active today

6. Kirsty

Caring South African Pet Sitter 🐾 Experienced & Loving5.9 km
(1 review)
Last contacted 8 days ago
Last active today
"Kirsty looked after my 2 kittens for ten days, she took great care of both of them (playing, feeding, making sure they don't destroy the appartment ...). I would absolutely recommend her."
RReview by Rémi

7. Trish

10.8 km
31 reviews
recurring guests

Trustworthy Pet Sitter

Lives with 1 dog, 2 cats
Usually responds within few hours

7. Trish

Trustworthy Pet Sitter10.8 km
(31 reviews)
16 recurring guests
Lives with 1 dog, 2 cats
Usually responds within few hours
"I wanted to take a moment to share my wonderful experience with Trish as a pet sitter. She recently looked after our cats and agama while we were away, and I cannot speak highly enough of her level of care and attention. Trish went above and beyond to make sure that our pets were comfortable and happy, and it was clear that she has a genuine love for animals. Our cats were so content when we returned, and it was obvious that they had been well taken care of. I highly recommend Trish to anyone in need of a trustworthy and dedicated pet sitter. Thank you so much, Trish, for your exceptional service!"
VReview by Victoria

8. Victoria

10.6 km
30 reviews
recurring guests

Your pet will have a wonderful holiday with me ✨

Calendar recently updated
Last booked 8 days ago

8. Victoria

Your pet will have a wonderful holiday with me ✨10.6 km
(30 reviews)
11 recurring guests
Calendar recently updated
Last booked 8 days ago
"EXCELLENT! This was the 1st time we had to leave the keys of our house and the care of our cat to a stranger so we were a bit worried. When we met Victoria and saw her with our cat we immediately felt good. She took great care of our cat, played cuddled etc as we asked for. And she also sent us photos and videos to reassure our cat was happy. We are now very happy to have found a cat sitter we can trust and we will 100% book with Victoria again. Thank you :) "
SReview by Sergio

9. Lee

7.9 km
47 reviews
recurring guests

Lee Mast

Last booked 9 days ago
Last contacted 9 days ago

9. Lee

Lee Mast7.9 km
(47 reviews)
19 recurring guests
Last booked 9 days ago
Last contacted 9 days ago
"Heel erg blij dat Lee mijn kattenoppas is geweest. Ik heb 1 kat die veel stress heeft als ik weg ben, maar het ging allemaal heel goed. Ik kreeg foto’s van een vrolijke en ontspannen kat. Lee heeft zelfs 1 van mijn katten aan het spelen gekregen. Dat is nu een vast ritueel geworden. De wetenschap dat thuis alles op rolletjes liep zorgde ervoor dat ik me goed kon ontspannen tijdens mijn vakantie. Ik kan Lee van harte aanbevelen in ieder geval."
BReview by Bianca

10. Roos

12.3 km
10 reviews
recurring guest

Kattenoppas met veel vrije tijd

Last contacted yesterday
Last active yesterday

10. Roos

Kattenoppas met veel vrije tijd12.3 km
(10 reviews)
1 recurring guest
Last contacted yesterday
Last active yesterday
"Heel prettige en rustige kattenoppas, helemaal blij mee! Zelfs last-minute en met veel chaos van onze kant heel vriendelijk geholpen. Zeker een aanrader! "
MReview by Marit

11. Audra Theo

12.7 km

Loving and reliable pet sitter from Bali

Last active 2 days ago
Lives with 2 dogs, 1 cat

11. Audra Theo

Loving and reliable pet sitter from Bali12.7 km
Last active 2 days ago
Lives with 2 dogs, 1 cat

12. Alisa

13.1 km
4 reviews

Care with love and respect for each tail

Last active 14 days ago
Lives with 2 cats

12. Alisa

Care with love and respect for each tail 13.1 km
(4 reviews)
Last active 14 days ago
Lives with 2 cats
"Alisa took care of our 2 cats! She has been great in updating us and making sure everything is fine! Beside feeding the cats she made sure to dedicate time to each and play with them. I would totally recommend her!"
KReview by Kristina

13. Lisa

10.6 km
26 reviews
recurring guests

Experienced and caring pet sitter in Haarlem Noord.

Last contacted 14 days ago
Last active 13 days ago

13. Lisa

Experienced and caring pet sitter in Haarlem Noord.10.6 km
(26 reviews)
8 recurring guests
Last contacted 14 days ago
Last active 13 days ago
"Wonderful pet sitter. Our cats both have an illness but we could leave for a family visit without worries, Lisa took great care of them. Also really good communication, and she sends texts with updates on how they’re doing"
MReview by Merel

14. Indra

10.6 km - Haarlem
16 reviews
recurring guests

Ik zorg met liefde voor jouw huisdier

Calendar recently updated
Last contacted today

14. Indra

Ik zorg met liefde voor jouw huisdier10.6 km - Haarlem
(16 reviews)
4 recurring guests
Calendar recently updated
Last contacted today
"Indra heeft heel goed voor onze katten gezorgd. De katten waren meteen met haar vertrouwd! We werden goed op de hoogte gehouden hoe het met ze ging. Ze is een betrouwbare kattenoppas!"
AReview by Anja

15. Anna

2.3 km
3 reviews
recurring guests

Animal lover available for dog walking and pet sitting

Lives with 1 dog, 1 cat
Usually responds within one day

15. Anna

Animal lover available for dog walking and pet sitting2.3 km
(3 reviews)
2 recurring guests
Lives with 1 dog, 1 cat
Usually responds within one day
"It was a pleasure to meet Anna and Olivia and a very relaxed experience to leave our cat in their care: great communication and services, and lovely photo updates. Thanks again! xx"
OReview by Oana

16. Krista

6.7 km
7 reviews
recurring guest

Dieren feestje :)

Lives with 2 dogs
Lives with Amerikaanse Stafford Goldy

16. Krista

Dieren feestje :) 6.7 km
(7 reviews)
1 recurring guest
Lives with 2 dogs
Lives with Amerikaanse Stafford Goldy
"We hadden ons geen betere zorg voor onze kat kunnen wensen terwijl we weg waren. Krista zorgde ervoor dat we ons verbonden voelden door ons dagelijks video’s te sturen van onze blije en goed verzorgde kat. Ik raad Krista ten zeerste aan aan iedereen die op zoek is naar betrouwbare en liefdevolle zorg voor hun huisdier. Nogmaals bedankt!"
OReview by Olha

17. Derowen

8.3 km
New sitter

Last active 12 days ago

17. Derowen

New sitter
8.3 km
Last active 12 days ago

18. Nikki

3.1 km
2 reviews

De helpende hand/poot in het weekend en de schoolvakanties

Lives with 2 cats

18. Nikki

De helpende hand/poot in het weekend en de schoolvakanties3.1 km
(2 reviews)
Lives with 2 cats
"Wat een superoppas. Dank je wel Nikki voor de goede zorgen. Bij thuiskomst zag ik dat je ook had gestofzuigd. Super! Groet, Lucia Jessurun"
LReview by lucia

19. Leenah

6.4 km
5 reviews
recurring guests

Cat mom and dog lover

Lives with 2 cats
Usually responds within one hour

19. Leenah

Cat mom and dog lover 6.4 km
(5 reviews)
2 recurring guests
Lives with 2 cats
Usually responds within one hour
"Leenah took great care of our cat while we were away. Our cat was going through a more difficult period but Leenah’s experience and the great communication we had made all the difference. We came back to find our cat relaxed and quite content. Thank you for everything ❤️"
BReview by Beatrice

20. Nikki

7 km

Student who loves animals!!

Last active 2 days ago
Lives with 1 dog

20. Nikki

Student who loves animals!!7 km
Last active 2 days ago
Lives with 1 dog

Why dog sitting ?

Have you planned a holiday or work long hours and could use a helping hand with your four-legged best friend? Pawshake is the answer, with a variety of dog minding services to suit your needs.

Imagine how convenient it would be if you could find dog sitting services right in your local Assendelft neighbourhood. With Pawshake, we can make that happen for you! You can relax knowing that we have thousands of verified dog minders at your fingertips who live in or around the Assendelft area. All of our dog sitting specialists are experts in dog care, providing belly rubs, fun times, and unlimited love for your pooch.

Our Pawshake dog carers offer a range of flexible services. Whether you need someone for a couple of hours or even a whole month in Assendelft, Pawshake can help to match you with your perfect dog sitter. Do you have a young puppy, a pup with special needs, or a senior dog that needs specialised dog care? All of our dog minding sitters have plenty of experience with a variety of dog breeds and behaviours, so they know how to make your dog feel truly comfortable.

Pet owners book dog sitting in Assendelft on Pawshake. Over 7404 pet owners in Assendelft have left a review, with an average of 4.95/5. All paid safely using Ideal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express