Dog person without dog but with charming cat
About Sofiia
The history of our world proves that you can buy anything for money, except for a happy wagging of a dog’s tail. Lady and The Tramp
My name is Sofiia, a live in Deurne with my husband two years.
When I was a child, I really wanted a dog. But I was not allowed to have it ☹️
But some neighbour had a charming little dog called Dale, a small cocker spaniel. And I went to the neighbour almost every day and asked: Could I go out with Dale outside?
I have grown up, but unfortunately I still do not have the opportunity to get a dog. But I have good experience of interacting with different breeds of dogs my friends.
So I will be happy to walk with your Dog 🐕
I don't have a dog, but I have a beautiful cat Robert ♥️
We took him from the street when he was a little kitten.
Unfortunately, he had problems with the kidneys, so I have a big experience in caring for a sick cat.
And I really know how important it is to know your pet is fine, so I can also feed, change a toilet and play with your cat if you are away.