Hi Amsterdam pet owners,
My name is Monica, I’m 34 and have recently moved to Diemen Zuid/Amsterdam. I work part-time as a teacher which means a short working week and plenty of time to spend outside with your dog or inside taking care of your cat.
I’ve been surrounded by cats and dogs of all sizes all my life, I used to own a German shepard and 2 cats. I am interested in pet nutrition and finding healthy ways of taking care of pets that live in the city. I would love to have my own pet but at the moment I travel and move house too much to be able to offer a stable environment for an animal. To make up for this I take part in foster home programmes for animals waiting for adoption and offer pet sitting services. In this way I can enjoy the company of animals and help them have a fun, safe and nurturing time when waiting for their owners. I have recently started an internship at a veterinary clinic in Amsterdam to get a professional level of understanding of how to best take care of cats and dogs. It makes me happy to see more and more pet owners offering preventive veterinary care to their fur babies!
My offer for you and your pet includes:
Home visits for cats:
I am happy to offer as many visits as you feel your pets need, one visit usually takes min. 30-45 minutes. I will ensure they have fresh water, food and medication if necessary, and a clean and inviting litter box and the area around it. I will spend most of my visit interacting with your cat, cuddling, brushing and playing hunting and food puzzle games, making sure it gets the necessary dose of human contact while you are away. If your cat is shy or doesn't like playing, I will just quietly prepare and clean its eating area and toilet so that it doesn't get any unnecessary stress. If it has the possibility to go out, I will let it spend as much time as possible on the balcony or patio to get some fresh air and observe the world.
Home visits for dogs/dog walking:
I am happy to offer as many visits as you feel your dog needs, I will ensure they have fresh water, food and medication if necessary. I'd be thrilled to offer at least one long, active and fun walk or/and a few shorter walks
of minimum 30 minutes to some nice natural area/park/doggie park close to your home where your pet can sniff around, run, play fetch and interact with other dogs and humans if that is what it likes. The safety of your dog comes first so I will not get it off-leash if it's too scared, aggressive or undisciplined - I will strictly follow your advice in this regard. I'll do my best for me and your dog to become friends so that it is excited to spend time with me each time you are away for the day!
I plan to treat your pets as my own and help your family the best I can!
If you are away for longer, watering the house plants and emptying the letter box are a part of the job :)
Please contact me if you have any further questions!
Please note: I have very strong opinions about people breeding and buying animals as status/fashion symbols despite health conditions such breeding causes (problems with eating, breathing, etc.). I will not accept breeds like Persian cats, Bulldog, Pug, Boston Terrier or any kind of toy breeds as I find them unethical.