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Marcela and Pieter

We love pets❤️


Pawshake sitter since July 2023
1-5 years of experience
Active in the Pawshake Community
2 recurring guests
2 times saved
Last active7 months ago
Usually respondswithin about 2 hours
Last contacted7 months ago
Last booked10 months ago

About Marcela and Pieter

Hallo allemaal,

Wij zijn Marcela (27 jaar) en Pieter (24 jaar). Marcela werkt volledig op afstand en Pieter is ook 3 dagen per week thuis, dus we zijn beschikbaar om op jullie lieve huisdieren te passen - en dat doen we graag! We hebben al jaren onze eigen honden en hebben ook op de honden van vrienden en buren gepast. 

We hebben een apartement van 50m2, dus niet erg groot, maar genoeg ruimte voor je huisdier en al zijn spullen (en om mee te spelen, natuurlijk). We wonen in het noorden van Vathorst, dus we hebben wat platteland in de buurt, wat geweldig is om met je hond te wandelen! We zijn voornamelijk 's ochtends en 's middags beschikbaar en kunnen een lunchpauze inlassen voor een wandeling van 30 minuten. 

We zijn ook beschikbaar om op andere dieren te passen. Laat het ons weten als je geïnteresseerd bent, we staan altijd open voor een praatje of een kennismaking. 


Hello everyone,

We are Marcela (27 years old) and Pieter (24 years old). Marcela works completely remotely and Pieter is also at home 3 days a week, so we are available to petsit your lovely pets - and we'd love doing it! We have had our own dogs for many years and have also looked after the dogs of friends and neighbours. 

We have an apartment of 50m2, so not very big, but it's enough space for your pet and all its stuff (and to play with them, of course). We live in the north of Vathorst, so we have some countryside nearby, which is great for walking your dog! We are mainly available in the mornings and afternoons and can take a lunch break for a 30 minute walk. 

We are also available to look after other animals. Let us know if you are interested, we are always open for a chat or an introduction. 

Marcela and Pieter offers ...

At Marcela and Pieter's home

Doggy Day Care

Daytime care for your dog at the sitter's homefrom €18 /day, €10 /additional pet

At your home

Dog Walking

An experienced dog walker will pick up your dog from your home for a 30 min walkfrom €10 /walk, €5 /additional pet

One home visit a day

Book a pet sitter to stop by your home to feed and play with your petfrom €15 /day

Marcela and Pieter can accept

Puppies<1 year
Dog agesAll ages
Dog sizesAll sizes
FerretsAll kinds
Small animalsRodents, rabbits, birds, ...

Cancellation Policy

Flexible Cancellation Policy
You will get a full refund if you cancel before 12:00pm one day before the booking.



About Marcela and Pieter's home

The residence

Small outdoor area

What people say about Marcela and Pieter

Overall rating


More about Marcela and Pieter

I speak ...


I have experience ...

1-5 years of experience

Confirmed information

Email verified
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UnavailableMarcela and Pieter is currently not available to accept new requests.

Always book via the Pawshake platform

Peace of mind

Your pet may need protection against unexpected life events. We offer a Peace of Mind Guarantee included in every booking made and paid through Pawshake.
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We include a free Happiness Guarantee in every booking made and paid through Pawshake to make sure you and your pet get the best pet care experience possible.
Discover Happiness
Marcela and Pieter