Hello, my name is Alyssa, I am 21 years old.
I personally love pets, I have always loved them since a very young age.I have 6 dogs and 40 chickens at our family home, growing up I have always been around pets and have learned to care and love them greatly!
I enjoy going on walks and playing with pets and would happily look after them as they bring me a great amount of joy.
In my current residence, I do not have any pets living with me.
My services include playtime with the pet, feeding, belly rubs, walks and any other service mentioned upon the request of looking after the pet.I also offer house sitting services allowing for your pet to be within their comfort zone as I care for them: )
I would be more than happy to look after pets during the day at their home if needed. I am open to looking after pets that are not vaccinated,however, I would much appreciate if the were vaccinated, not only for the safety of myself and those living around me but for the pet itself. I look forward to offering my care to your pets! I do not have a police clearance certificate.
I will assure the best care and attention is given to all the pets in my care :)
Alyssa communiceert heel fijn, komt stipt haar afspraken na en is duidelijk heel goed en ervaren in de omgang met honden. Onze hond was meteen op z’n gemak bij haar. Zou haar absoluut aanraden als hondenoppas!
Alyssa is een geweldige kattenoppas. Ze was heel geduldig en lief voor mijn kat en wist precies hoe ze met hem om moest gaan. Dat is erg prettig omdat mijn kat erg verlegen is bij nieuwe mensen. Daarnaast stuurde ze elke dag video's en foto's van mijn kat en speelde ze leuk met hem. Toen ik thuis kwam zag mijn huis en kat er goed uit. Ik zou Alyssa zeker nog een keer laten oppassen.