The Booking Guarantee

In the rare event that your chosen pet sitter becomes unavailable after he or she has confirmed the booking, we will help you find a replacement sitter on Pawshake.

What if the pet sitter cancels at short notice?

These things happen rarely, but of course, a cancellation can happen due to family emergencies or illness.
If your sitter cancels within 2 weeks before the start of your booking, please contact us immediately so we can help you look for a replacement Pawshake sitter. You can also search for your own replacement Pawshake sitter.
There are certain times of year when it is extra busy on Pawshake. This peak season includes: Christmas , New Year and summer.
During peak season, it’s difficult to replace a pet sitter if they cancel on a pet owner. Our customer support team will always do their best to find a replacement, however this may not be possible when it is busy. We never want to leave pet owners without a pet sitter, as this can be incredibly inconvenient and lead to cancelled travel plans. These cancellations are stressful, costly and reflect very badly on Pawshake by undermining our key values of trust and safety.
As such, if you cannot provide a legitimate reason for cancelling a booking during peak season, your pet sitting account will be suspended for one month. This is an unavoidable consequence to prevent extensive stress and cost to pet owners who are placing their trust in you as a pet sitter and in Pawshake. Please take this into consideration when accepting bookings during peak season. Pet sitting is a big responsibility and we expect all booking commitments to be followed through as agreed.

What if the pet sitter cancels during a booking?

Please contact us immediately so we can help you look for a replacement. It is also helpful if you can provide details about your pets and any special requirements (e.g. if they need to be the only pet in the household or if they require medication) they may have so that we can find the most suitable sitter. Or, if you prefer, you can search for your own replacement sitter on Pawshake.
It's very important to leave the pet sitter with emergency contact details of somebody who isn't travelling with you so they can make decisions about where your pet stays in case you can't be reached.

To be eligible for The Booking Guarantee:

The original booking was confirmed via Pawshake platform
A meet and greet was conducted prior to the booking start date (only required if it’s your first booking with the sitter)
Both the original and the replacement sitter are Pawshake sitters
The dates and service are the same
The sitter cancelled within 2 weeks before the booking start date

Coverage Exceptions

  • If a sitter cancels a dog walking booking due to extreme weather conditions.

What if the pet sitter cancels more than 2 weeks before the booking?

Again: This is rare, but can happen due to unforeseen circumstances. Please contact us so we can recommend some other suitable Pawshake sitters for you to contact.

How do I submit a booking guarantee claim?

If you haven't cancelled the original booking yet, and have secured a replacement Pawshake sitter on your own, please contact us and we will transfer the amount.

Contact us here.

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Our customer support team can support you in English, French, Dutch, German and Norwegian.

Contact us here.

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